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1:1 Partnership Coaching Application

Please fill out this form to be considered for our revenue share partnership coaching program.

please include your first and last name
If you haven't launched yet, that's okay. Let us know.
Please make sure this is the average MONTHLY revenue, and NOT your annual total for the last year
Tell me about your business.
What’s the story behind your business? When and why did you start it? Who do you serve and what problem do you solve? What do you sell/what are your revenue streams? How does it currently feel?
  • {name}
Why are you interested in 1:1 Partnership Coaching?
What appeals to you about this model for coaching? How do you envision a coaching partnership helping you grow your business? What specific areas are you looking to enhance or transform?
  • {name}
What is the one major goal you aim to achieve during our time together in this partnership, and why is this goal important to you?
If you could wave a magic wand, what result would you want to have at the end of 12 months?
  • {name}
What values are most important to you in running your business, and how do you embody these in your day-to-day operations?
  • {name}
Can you walk me through your vision for your business over the next 12 months? What key steps do you plan to take to get there?
If you have a business plan, this is a great place to share that.
  • {name}
I understand that this coaching container has a base rate of $1,000 per month and a revenue share component on all NEW revenue generated.
If you need more info about how the revenue share works, please see here

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